When COVID-19 hit...well, we all scrambled in different ways and different situations. Live music was greatly affected. I assumed the Moonshine Cafe was closed. Which it was. But, the Moonshine's Open Mic went virtual. I discovered this three weeks in. Below are some of the videos ....
Steve Earle, "Forth Worth Blues"
What is fascinating is that I don't have the iPhone horizontal - I went with a vertical shot.
James Taylor, "Fire and Rain"
I was feeling a little melancholy, and this is a song I've played for more years than I care to remember. And, I have the camera pointed in the right direction...
"Dance, Rachel, Dance"
This was the first original song I did for the virtual open mic. I've played this many times live at the Moonshine. It was fun to do it virtually.
The challenge of learning how to record video was something that was sprung on many of us. In the end, what these videos show, is not only a progression, but almost a concert that developed week by week, not only with fellow performers, but almost a show that developed, looking at the different circumstances each week.
For whatever reason I decided to do some folk classics in early May.
This is my version of the Woody Guthrie song "This Land is Your Land"
There are multiple lyrics; but I like this last verse. I also used both the American and the Canadian chorus.
Dylan - "Blowing in the Wind"
the choice of song reflected the times
This is also the song I always think of as the one I worked up to "performance" level when I was returning to playing live music on stage after years of not playing live.
"Second Wind" by Stuart Macdonald
(the COVID hair is showing, as, I think , is the fatigue. But, this was the performance. Maybe not the best, but there is something authentic that I think is worth preserving.)
First week of June - "Abraham, Martin, and John"
I've done this song for years, but it seemed appropriate at a very dark time.
We paused the show on June 2nd due to the call for musicians to be in solitary; my recollection (which I will confirm) is this was broadcast the next day (Wednesday).
I remember hearing this song on the radio when I was growing up; it was a song I always wanted to learn how to play. It took a few decades but it is an important song to know.
A guitar version of this great Steve Winwood song
...a Jason Isbell song that I love and that is central to my shows
I decided to do Canadian songs around Canada Day, starting with the arrogant worms - "We are the Beaver."
There is a children's chorus on their album version: both my kids were in that chorus.
Gordon Lightfoot's "Canadian Railroad Trilogy."
Enough said.
Back to the Arrogant worms for "Proud to be Canadian"
I used to sing this one a lot in pubs...but I had to remind myself of the lyrics. The attempt to film outside at the cottage failed, so we moved inside.
July 14
Neil Young's "After the Goldrush"
This was filmed at the cottage. I then added a background vocal. Fun to try.
July 21 - my last opportunity to play
holidays beckoned, and there's no internet - and so, I chose to do this one by the great Lyle Lovett.
(sorry the guitar is a little quiet at the beginning)
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